This young, fresh faced & beautiful girl was also a beauty queen in Chicago... and for a first time, she gets to show herself off, FTV style! At a mall, while shopping, she is approached, and asked to nude model, and does so on the spot, right next to a movie theater! More posing follows some masturbation outdoors, but with certain people watching, we move it indoors with a vibrator. Always smiling, she continues the nude teases and masturbation at an exotic resort, with some sexy views while she gets it on in the car! Nipple teases in public and more personal stuff leads to the pink room, where she gives us nice extreme closeups of her very pretty private parts. Then its off to a bubble bath, where she lets the water fall onto her to stimulate her to more pleasure! A natural, with little or no makeup, she is quite gorgeous, and you'll only see her here, on FTV.